The amount of data captured by enterprises continues to grow astronomically. Indeed, data warehouse are filled with huge amounts of confidential data like personally identifiable information, company financial records, Intellectual Property (IP), corporate strategic documents, etc. Common practice is to encrypt that data while in storage and during transport, but that is not always a guarantee that the data is safe from exposure. It does offer a reasonable level of protection from less sophisticated attackers, as capturing the encrypted data and running a massive computing system that tries to break that encryption through brute force operations is difficult. The brute force method is very inefficient and mostly available only to special sophisticated operations (e.g., state sponsored massively large resourced systems). It also isn’t very effective at extracting data in volume as it’s a time consuming process that can’t keep up with real time data creation. But there is a loop hole many hackers have exploited to obtain potentially large volumes of encrypted data that is available to them unencrypted.

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