The Tardigrade moon rover motorcycle by Hookie Co.
Ever wondered what it would be like to ride a motorcycle on the moon? Meet the Tardigrade—a conceptual electric lunar vehicle, named after the microscopic creatures that can survive in the vacuum of space. Brought to life by Hookie Co. around a Cake drivetrain, it was conceived in Moscow, built in Dresden, and will soon be on display at the Petersen Museum in Los Angeles.

How did the stars align for this otherworldly project to begin?

The Tardigrade moon rover motorcycle by Hookie Co.
On November 1, 2020, Russian designer Andrew Fabishevskiy published renderings of his NASA lunar motorcycle on A social media firestorm ensued, catching the attention of Hookie Co. founder, Nico Müller.

“I saw Andrew’s concept sketch and was hooked immediately,” Müller says. “After some calls we got his approval to build this amazing machine.…

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