Honda XR650R built for Matt Helder of the Arctic Monkeys
Repeat custom is the lifeblood of most businesses, including bike builders. Ten years ago, Matt Helders bought a very sharp Triumph T100 from Richard ‘Mule’ Pollock—and he’s just gone back for more.

This time, Matt has taken delivery of an absolute weapon: a crisp, vintage-style Honda with a most unusual exhaust system. And despite the knobby rubber (for road use and the photo shoot), it’s street legal.

Honda XR650R built for Matt Helder of the Arctic Monkeys
If you know the name Matt Helders, that’s because he’s the drummer of the hit British rock band Arctic Monkeys. The band has sold well over 20 million records worldwide, so Helders could probably have chosen any custom builder he wanted.

Mule, however, is a singular talent. And there’s nothing else on the road (or off) quite like this Honda.…

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