BMW R80 street tracker by Gas&Retro
One hallmark of a good custom builder, is the ability to put a fresh spin on a motorcycle that’s been customized a thousand times before. By that standard, Žiga Petek is at the top of his class. His take on the classic BMW R80 is refreshingly contemporary—a sharp street tracker that maintains very little of the original bike.

Žiga runs his workshop, Gas&Retro, out of an old barn in the small Slovenian town of Notranje Gorice. He’s been tinkering on bikes since he left high school, but only went full-time within the last three years. And he’s already developed a signature style—favoring modern designs with cohesive lines.

BMW R80 street tracker by Gas&Retro
Žiga actually picked an old boxer for this project specifically because he wanted to prove a point.…

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