A dual slalom event has seen record breaking views as all but one of the athlete’s parents tune in to watch. The near-unprecedented levels of interest haven’t been touched in nearly 15 years.

The 31 parents nearly overloaded the servers as they all tuned in to give the event at least two-thirds of their attention span. At some point one of the couples even threatened to get yet new and ever heightening levels of exposure for the sport by telling their friend Janet.

74-year-old Janet, who enjoys past times such as bear baiting and embroidery, faked severe Covid-19 symptoms including wearing an Imagine Dragons t-shirt in a bid to prove she has no taste. It was all part of a complex plan to avoid going around for a cup of tea and risking inadvertently catching an eyeful of the racing. She has since insisted two weeks of self-isolation was a price worth paying.

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