The race to find Earth’s oldest craters

The most common features on the surfaces of most of the solar system’s rocky bodies are impact craters. Many measure hundreds of kilometers across and have remained relatively unchanged for several billion years. On Earth, however, the majority of ancient impact sites have disappeared due to plate tectonics and the […]

How Airbnb Head of Trust and Safety Naba Banerjee cut parties reported on the service by 55% from 2020 to 2022 and launched an anti-party AI system in May 2023 (Hayden Field/CNBC)

Hayden Field / CNBC:How Airbnb Head of Trust and Safety Naba Banerjee cut parties reported on the service by 55% from 2020 to 2022 and launched an anti-party AI system in May 2023  —  – As the person in charge of Airbnb’s worldwide ban on parties, Naba Banerjee has spent […]