Plasma arc is Astronomy photograph of the year

A teal-colored plasma arc next to the iconic Andromeda Galaxy stole the show in this year’s Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition announced this week. The dazzling image and overall winner of the competition, Andromeda, Unexpected, was taken by Marcel Drechsler, Xavier Strottner and Yann Sainty.  “It’s an […]

A look at Buenos Aires’ legal battle to turn back on a facial recognition system that activists criticized for its misuse and the city shut down in March 2020 (Karen Naundorf/Wired)

Karen Naundorf / Wired:A look at Buenos Aires’ legal battle to turn back on a facial recognition system that activists criticized for its misuse and the city shut down in March 2020  —  A scandal unfolding in Argentina shows the dangers of implementing facial recognition—even with laws and limits in […]