Capturing the light in dark nebulae

Astroimaging involves a profound irony. While the goal of photography is to capture light, the majority of what astrophotographers capture in their images is utter darkness. Oh sure, the intended subject will be a star cluster, nebula, or galaxy. But that doesn’t change the fact that most of a typical […]

Custom 1,478-Piece Yamaha MT-10 SP by L. Ego

This futuristic-looking Yamaha MT-10 SP was assembled over almost eight hours and some 1,497 customized individual components by master Danish crafter L. Ego. While the first impression may look a bit plastic-y, the sum of the parts is a truly custom motorcycle for any age bracket. Although over age 18 […]

Bill Gates isn’t too scared about AI

Bill Gates has joined the chorus of big names in tech who have weighed in on the question of risk around artificial intelligence. The TL;DR? He’s not too worried, we’ve been here before. The optimism is refreshing after weeks of doomsaying—but it comes with few fresh ideas.  The billionaire business […]